But enough about us, let's talk about the Hawaiian Language!  It is a beautiful sounding language and almost all the vowels are pronounced.  For instance, people pronounce Hanauma Bay han-ow-ma when it is actually han ah oo mah.  But if you are going there to snorkel, just bring your gear and never mind how you pronounce it. As long as you can say mask and fins, and you keep your feet off the coral, you'll be fine!

Some phrases that are fun to know are below.  The first two are actually considered "local", and have been incorporated into the language of Hawaii over the generations:
Kim Chee:  If you are in trouble you are in deep kim chee!
Broke your mouth:  Deeeeelicious!  "That meal broke my mouth!"
Aloha:  Hello, goodbye, I love you.  Showing Aloha to a friend is treating them with kindness!
Pilikia:  Trouble (being in deep kim chee!)
Holo holo:  To travel around
Mahalo:  Thank you
E Komo Mai:  Welcome
Mele Kalikimaka:  Merry Christmas!
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou: Happy New Year!
Humuhumunukunukuapuaa:  The state fish.

I used to teach the name of the state fish to all my clients until word got around that Leah made everybody learn to pronounce it.  Not true, it is OPTIONAL! (;>

But enough about the Hawaiian language, let's talk about us!
Hawaiian Eye Weddings is not just Mike and Leah Noble, but the talented A-team who makes everything we do possible. 
We have been in the Hawaii Wedding business since 1987, full time since 1988 when it changed from a hobby to a full blown business, working with the top people in the industry. 
Back in those days our clients were all locals with the average wedding including three locations and we started early and finished late!  We loved it and we loved them, however, as the high energy couple we are, we preferred to work a lot more than on weekends and once we added visitor destination weddings to our repertoire, we had found our niche. 
Weddings and Vow Renewals are our passion. 
Our specialty is customer service, prompt attention to detail, which includes answering texts, emails and phone calls immediately, and delivery of the finished product in a few days.
We love what we do!
Have a question?  
Text, call or email us and we will give you our undivided attention!

Smiling couple surrounded by palm fronds
Call (808) 922-4805 
Text (808) 726-5164